
What Is All This Talk About Branding Yourself and Do You Need It

What is meant by Branding Yourself Online? Every time I heard this term it always raised a nagging question in my mind, "What do they mean? I knew sort of what it was all about, meaning that some how I would be known as myself. I had heard the term "Self Branding" before, and somehow I was really stuck because my mind was bringing up old westerns with Jimmy Stewart and cattle having a bad day. Was I suffering from some kind of brain freeze over terms that were Nail Brush creating weird images in my head? Maybe. (I have a brain that does that to me every once in a while.) Just so you know...my brain has done this kind of stuff to me before and I'm on to it...I just kept reading about online marketing and listening to good trainers waiting for the pieces to fall in place, then one day it happened. I was actually surprised that I had understood it all along, but not as the marketing term that was talked about. I knew it as a real life practice. Here is an example. I have a rare, but treatable brain disorder called...I can't remember your name...itus. Amazingly there happens to be certain people whose names I will never have the pleasure of forgetting. Why is that?It’s because they…Not I…have been branded permanently in my mind. Is the light coming on yet? It is quite simply being immediately recognizable without that person having to try and remember who you are. So…How is this done?Once again let’s stop talking internet lingo and get an off-line example here. Here is an inescapable fact...if I see you several times in one day and your name is repeated enough times you will become unforgettable, and so will the day! Now you have been successfully branded into MY memory, and it is car led lights no less permanent that if you had used a red hot iron, just a lot less painful. There wouldn't happen to be people branded into you memory that you can't forget but would like to forget now would there?...moving right a long. Well how did they get there? They got there the same way everything you remember got there, repeat, repeat, repeat till it unforgettable.Here’s the conclusion of my point. You being BRANDED online is you being exposed enough times in different places with:1. Knowledge people want.2. Experiences people want to hear.3. Training that people need.4. Direction that people are searching for.5. You fill in the next one.That’s what it means to be Branded. Now…How do you do it? Ahh, I thought you’d never ask. That is a subject all in itself, and it is well worth the education.

